Archive and Citation Information for "Aesthetic Judgment"
The current version of the entry "Aesthetic Judgment" may also be cited via the earliest archive in which this version appears:
Zangwill, Nick, "Aesthetic Judgment", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
The citation above refers to the version in the following archive edition:
* Fall 2008 (minor correction)
Please note that you are being asked to cite a URL that is in a fixed, archived edition of the encyclopedia. The reason for this is that the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy recommends that readers use a stable citation for scholarly purposes. You should not cite the dynamic portion of the encyclopedia.
Archive Schedule
Spring: March 21
Summer: June 21
Fall: September 21
Winter: December 21
Older versions of "Aesthetic Judgment" are available in the following editions:
* Winter 2007 (substantive content change)
* Fall 2006 (substantive content change)
* Fall 2003 (substantive content change)
* Spring 2003 (first archived) [author: Zangwill, Nick]
This entry was first published on Feb 28, 2003. It was last modified on Aug 29, 2008 (substantive content change). |